Sunday, February 7, 2010


Some people think that bonfires are something you should only do in the summer or on the beach, but this is where you are wrong! Bonfires in the winter are just as good as any other bonfires because you get to experience the snow while having the warmth of the fire!
My friends and I had a bonfire this weekend up Provo Canyon at a park called Glen Canyon Park. It was such a blast to be outside, experiencing nature, while not freezing in the snow. Glen Canyon Park is also a great place to have a bonfire because there are a lot of fire pits and the park is spacious so you aren’t surrounded by everyone else in the park. Glen Canyon is the second park up Provo Canyon on the left. If you aren’t able to find a place at Glen Canyon, you can also have bonfires at Canyon View Park, Vivian Park and if you want to drive a little farther you can go up South Fork Canyon. South Fork Canyon is my favorite place to have a bonfire because it isn’t right off the highway, so you are able to experience more of nature. To get to South Fork Canyon, you turn off the Provo Canyon highway at Vivian Park and you keep driving up the road that goes through the park. I am not sure how great the roads are in the winter, but if you can get up there it is the perfect spot to have a bonfire or any other kind of adventure!
Just remember when you are having a bonfire in the snow, you need to dress warm and make sure to take something to sit on so that you don’t have to sit on the ground. Also make sure that you have enough wood, kindling and something that can get the fire started in the snow. Don’t forget the most important thing at a Bonfire is the S’mores! There is an adventure awaiting you, so go find it!


  1. a great idea for a group outgoing... maybe i'll suggest that to my buddies to do it for one night!

  2. Sounds fun! I've never had a bonfire in the winter. Thanks for the list of parks too.

  3. I love bonfires, we used to have them on my dads vineyard all the time. bonfires and a projected movie are always a good time:)

  4. Also great to roast at a bonfire: starbursts. It's delicious.

  5. I have a fire pit right outside my apt. I should start a new trend of weekend bonfires :)

  6. I agree! roasted starbursts= goodness.
